Out of the blue awards – Mystery Blogger and One Lovely Blog

We know that I keep myself – and my private life – isolated from my blog posts over here, but I’m just gonna turn slightly carefree of that for a while.

Alright so, getting on, like I had previously established Avantika, I was totally taken back by this award nominee from you. This act of nomination might seem like a casual one to you but holds much prestige in my eyes, so thank you so much; that really comes from the core of my heart.


Getting appreciation and a bit of recognition for our works is both a dessert and a catalyst for us humans, I believe. And yes, let me say the cliched (but true) lines as well: Never had I  – since the time of initiating this blog – imagined that I would get to see this day where I’d be receiving such awards and the frequent, heartwarming compliments from this wonderful blogging community. Have to follow certain rules for it though. The rules for Mystery Blogger award:

Display Award Logo On BlogList

The Rule Mention Creator Of Award & Provide A Link

Thank The Blogger(s) Who Nominated You & Provide A Link

Say 3 Things About Yourself

Nominate From 10 To 20 Bloggers

Notify Nominated Bloggers By Leaving A Comment On Their Blog

Answer 5 Questions From Nominee

Write 5 Questions For Your Nominees

Share Your Best Post



(3) Have already done that, www.smilyavu.wordpress.com.

(4) Three things about myself (brace yourselves for having me take advantage over the vagueness of this rule).

1- I’m chewing an eviscerated piece of bubblegum while I write this down at 3 in the morning (*smirks*).

2- (Alright, let’s get a bit serious) I’m working two part-time jobs while studying simultaneously as of now (Alhamdulillah).

3- Covert, skittish, flippant -> ME. Oh, and a wicked, unruly sense of humor do I possess.

(5) Here are the bloggers that I’m nominating:

www.thegeekgirlsforum.wordpress.com: Although we have not really interacted, I have an adoration with her way of writing; would really like to know her more as well. She’s someone whom I genuinely feel should be read more.

www.seharimtiaz.wordpress.comThis person, gosh! She’s a mind-boggingly crafty writer of Urdu, and her works… I could do no justice by saying anything about them. Read it for yourself (if you can read Urdu) and you’ll see what I’m talking about. She’s someone whom I feel should be read more also.

www.arminhas.com: I’d be honest and say that this person’s blog has been quirky and controversial one for me. Though, the way it blends oddly dark art with writing, it strangely mystifies. One with an open mind might wanna give it a go.

www.blogellabyujwordpresscom.wordpress.com: What to say about Uswa. She is an old schoolmate of mine and someone who’s been in touch lately. Is an admirable person really, and apparently the only one who could, for me, make girls’ fashion and cosmetics stuff an intriguing content to follow and read!

www.thecrimsonquillofmine.wordpress.com: My Piscean brother and a dear friend Moiz, who has a surreal mind and a rather surreal hold over words. His writings usually tend to emanate that dreamy feel and you’d wanna drown into it. Just… work on your occasional errors, Moiz.

www.verbalseductionananya.wordpress.comAnanya’s blog is what it promises in its captivating blog name; a verbal seduction. She’s another whom I’d fancy knowing more.

www.theycallmemaham.wordpress.comMaham, another old schoolmate of mine. She has an enchanting way with words. Her ideas, her thoughts, her views, are commendable. She actually could be listed down in the ‘reasons why I wanted to start my own blog’. Literally, Maham.

www.fromchaostocatharsis.wordpress.comAh, last but never the least (the most, rather), here’s Miss Zainab; my inspiration, my motivation since as long as I could remember. I know that I can come up with a date if I really focus, but I really don’t want to, because entertaining the thought that she’s been there since the start gives joy. Z, you’re a mentor, really – one of the reasons I stand over here with a blog to my name (however mediocre). Her works are chilling, I mean it. She is probably the best writer I have interacted with all my life and we both know that she has won a ton of awards (both virtually and practically) I still am nominating her. People should really remember Zainab Syeda Halepota’s name because one day, Inshallah, she’ll be out there as a star writer (her blog’s currently gone private).

Phew. Moving on. (6) Questions from my nominee.

1- What one thing would you like to change about yourself?

My current underwhelming indifference.

2- What would be the one thing you wouldn’t be able to live without.

Reflecting. Ruminating. Overthinking – Whatever you’d call it.

3- What is your biggest and greatest desire?

To become worthy of Heaven.

4- What is your absolute favourite book/movie?

The book is Pir e Kamil. The Dark Knight, the movie.

5- What did you want to become as a child?

Soldier and pilot were among my considerations.

(7) Here are the questions to my nominees:

1- What has been the most influential or life-changing time in your life?

2- The highest level you wish to see yourself at in life?

3- What does your blog mean to you?

4- What change(s) would the crown of a King or Queen bring in you?

5- Name one thing you’re guiltily obsessed with?

(8) My best and favourite post: https://wavesthatkisstheshore.wordpress.com/2016/09/05/rendezvous-with-you/

Now for the second award – Again, thank you Avantika for making my day with this. Here’s her link again www.smilyavu.wordpress.com.

The Rules Are:

1. Thank the person who nominated you & provide a link to their blog.√

2. Post about the award.√

3. Share 7 facts about yourself.√

4. Nominate bloggers√

5. Tell your readers good news!

7 facts about me:

Monotony feels boring to me; I don’t stay with boring for too long.

Hopelessly romantic and intensely loving. Yep, take my word for it.

Fish for escapisms when reality gets overwhelming.


If not bipolar, then paradoxical. Definitely.

Benignly enigmatic.

Logophile – lover of words.

The good news is that this blog post has finally ended.

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